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Old January 17th, 2005, 09:05 PM
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Default master/detail

I'm trying to create a master/detail page, with a slight variation.

Rather than have the master page pass a parameter to a detail page and open a record, I just need it to go to a specific directory and open a pdf file.

For example:

Click on the Invoices hyperlink 456123 in the datagrid, this in turn opens the pdf file "\invoices\456123.pdf" in _self fashion.

I can't do this by hand b/c there are many hundreds of files.

I think that this can be done using by clicking on the datagrid, selecting column type, and changing it to hyperlink. There are format string columns in the "Hyperlink Text", and "Linked Page" options, but I'm not sure how to modify them to get the above mentioned behavior.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Old January 18th, 2005, 02:59 AM
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What server side language are you doing this with?

You can take a look at the source that Dreamweaver generated when you changed the column to a hyperlink, and then you can shuffle things around.

You probably need to move the dynamic ID from the QueryString to the actual file reference, and then append PDF.


Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.

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