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Old February 21st, 2005, 03:20 PM
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Default Append Query to Table !

Hi experts !
I've to append a qry to a tb and i need an ID autonumber type
column on the tb. Should i have an extra column on the qry too?
Has someone an answer to how should i make it work? It's not
a difficult task but i've been working for hours on a program
and when i thought it was to be completed something happened
because of an PK less on the tb. At least is my guess.
Regards Penta.

Old February 21st, 2005, 08:31 PM
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Hi Penta,

No,the append query shouldn't include the ID column. Just make sure you have implemented it in the table you are appending records to. The assignment of AutoNumber/PrimaryKey values will be handled at the table level as each new record is appended to the new table.



Old February 23rd, 2005, 03:53 PM
Friend of Wrox
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Sorry for the delay!
I've been out of the site. I've tried to append the qry to the Tb leaving
the autonumber column of the qry out of the columns to be appended. I've
had an error message run-time 3022. I've tried to leave the column on
the append qry and i've tried to append to the Tb which has an autonumber
column as a PK.I've had error message run-time 3346. What should i do
to have an autonumber PK column on the Tb.We must remember that the append action should be done several times with different records and the autonumber column of the qry will always show same values for each append action.
Regards P.

Old February 24th, 2005, 04:24 PM
Friend of Wrox
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Thanks to u all !
I am surprised to see that now everything is working OK. That is: the append
qry appends to the Tb which has an PK column working as it should. In plus
the problem it was supposed to be a PK less Tb was nothing less than
an error during the design of my report.

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