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ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 Basics ASP.NET discussion for users new to coding in ASP.NET 1.0 or 1.1. NOT for the older "classic" ASP 3 or the newer ASP.NET 2.0.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 10:04 AM
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Default advice needed..please see

hi all

i am trying to develop an ecommerce site.

can anyone advice me, what all concepts i have to be thorough with, what all things i have to use?(webforms or frameset? etc)

i am using asp.net1.1

it will be really greatful, if you provide me some links, where i can search the details in developing an ecommerce site.


do i need to add frameset to the solution and import the existing webforms into that?

i have thwo webforms, one displaying the products for shopping, other which gives the corresponding details, when a particular product is clicked

i think, my problem is clear to you all

thanks in advance

Old September 5th, 2006, 10:48 AM
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The site design (whether or not to use a frameset) is entirely up to you as this layout doesn't (or shouldn't) impact how your system works.

Some things to take into consideration:
Are you going to provide shipping amounts for you users at the time of purchase?
(If so, check out USPS, UPS, FedEX, and DHL's shipping API's which allow you to return pretty accurate shipping amounts. (The some of the API's are geared only to the states, but since you are in the USA this shouldnt be huge problem))

Are you going to process credit cards?
(If so you have 2 choices: 1 is to setup a merchant account that will allow you to process a credit card (this also means you will need to buy and set up an SSL Certificate on your server.) 2 You can use paypal's api which will take money from X paypal account and deposit it into your paypal account (Unfortunately, this means that all of your users will have to be paypal users to use this system)).

There are many other things you need to take into consideration but doing a search on google should net you some pretty good examples and reference material.

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