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Old August 2nd, 2006, 10:23 AM
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Default Master pages &server control ID - asp.net 2.0


I am trying to use couple of server controls in my master page and I need to identify the same at the client side(javascript).

But in ASP .NET2.0 the server controls are appended with "ctl00_ctl00_" to the control id.

for example if i set the contol id as

<asp:HiddenField ID="hidcontrol" runat="server" />

and try to get the control value using js as

var controlvalue=document.getElementById("hidcontrol") .value;

IN ASP 2.0-Master pages ,the control id will be renamed to "ctl00_ctl00_hiddenevent"

<input name="ctl00$ctl00$hidcontrol" type="hidden" id="ctl00_ctl00_hidcontrol" >

In this case ,How will I access the control value dynamically at the client side.

Please help.I am not able to move forward as i need the value to be accessed from the client side for sure.

NB:Saw couple of discussion threads where its suggested to get the control id by the following way.;

var controlvalue=document.getElementById("<%=hidcontro l.ClientID%>").value;

But I am not able to get it.Am i missing something.PLease HELP

One more query;Is there anyway to force a master page to retain the name of the form as
programmed instead of changing it to aspnetForm?

Thanks in Advance!!!
Old August 3rd, 2006, 04:31 AM
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The suggestion you found works in legacy ASP, in .Net you should write instead:

var controlvalue=document.getElementById("<% Response.Write(hidcontrol.ClientID); %>").value;

I hope it helps.


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