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Old April 20th, 2008, 08:54 PM
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Default Relod dataGridview thousands of time in minute

i am doing networking project in that i have taken Datagridview to show that from which server to client how many packets are going?if i detect 1st packet from server "yahoo" to "Local Machine" i will make a entry for that,after that if i detect other packet from same server to same client i will update to packet column to 2.now like this hundreds are packets are coming to same server to same machine,so for showing current situation to user i have to reload a data grid view hundreds of time in minute ,this cause a screen flickering in area of data grid ,i want to know that can i load a particular cell only,so don't neet to whole data grid view,or ,is any other way to stop this flickering,thanking you in advance.

Old April 21st, 2008, 12:27 AM
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Hi Theone,

Forcing that many repaints is going to be quite expensive. Would it not be a better idea to save the data for the list, but only refresh the DataGrid once every second or something? (ideally you would want to specify the frequency).

Old April 21st, 2008, 04:23 AM
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Reloading a DataGridView (or any control on a form) thousands of times a second is not only likely to create an epilepsy inducing screen flicker but likely bring most PCs to a grinding halt.

Like Rob says, storing up the changes and refreshing the grid every second (or even longer) would be a much better way to go.

/- Sam Judson : Wrox Technical Editor -/

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