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Old April 18th, 2010, 07:16 AM
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Default How to Create Forms Class in C#?

Now that C++ development has become second nature to me, do I have to start from scratch with C#? What used to be called a "dialog" or a "window" seems to now be called a "form". Is this right?

Since the beginning of Visual Studio, there has been easy way to describe the shape of a Dialog (now called a Form) in the resource file and then use a wizard to create the corresponding C++ code. I kind of remember that in MFC it was pretty much a no-brainer to create a custom dialog with all the components you want and then all the associated code.

If I have a C# app that has many forms that I want to bring to the screen based on the user's menu selections, how do I create a class associated with a windows form?

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