Thanks for swift reply.
Unfortunately the program is not my own writing, and the concerning code is scattered around so many places that I don't think a posting of the code would help you mutch (and mutch of the code is written in norwegian, so it would be hard for you to understand).
Anyway, what the program does is to take an EDIFACT-file (PRODAT message used in the Nordic power market), strip the information in the file down on plant-level, and then update a DB accordingly. The individual plant-information from the file is stored in plant objects in a COblist prior to updating the DB. Depending on if the plant-objects are already present in the DB or not, the plant gets updated. A logtable in the DB contains info on each plant in the EDIFACT-file ( a plant gets a -1 if not updated, 1 if updated). The problem is that the last plant will sometimes get updated and sometimes not updated if the program is run on the Server. If I run the program on my PC all the plants are always updated. I use the same EDIFACT-file to test on both computers, and it is the same EXE file being executed.
I have begun wondering if it might have something to do with the version of MDAC running on the computers. The server is running MDAC 2.6 RTM and my PC is running MDAC 2.7. Anyone know if an upgrade of the MDAC version might help?