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SQL Server ASP Discussions about ASP programming with Microsoft's SQL Server. For more ASP forums, see the ASP forum category.
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Old November 30th, 2005, 11:12 PM
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Default connecting to SQL server from website


I'm new to SQL server. Can someone explain to me how I connect to the SQL server that is on my computer, from a web page? I have created an ASP page and uploaded it onto a web server, but I need to be able to read from my database that is on SQL server on my computer? how do I do this?

Also, can someone explain to me how this actually works? Let's say someone logs onto my website from their computer. they need to see the info from the data base so ASP calls for the information from my computer, is this right? Doesn't that mean that my computer would have to be on so that it can acess the database?

Old February 22nd, 2006, 11:44 AM
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I am also kind of new to all of this programming but I do understand the server process. You will only be able to access a database on your machine from the web if;

1.) The machine is allways switch on.
2.) The database is visable from the web and has either an external facing IP or a host name.

You are probably finding a host who will also host your DB.

When you come to connecting to the db you can use all sorts dependant on version etc.

I hope this helps you a little.


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