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Old June 3rd, 2003, 11:43 PM
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Default Database constantly crashing.

I am using a 2000 Access mdb as my backend database, serving 5 users concunrently.

I have no problem with concurrent usage with the system, as all the clients uses normal SQL statements to access the data within the database via a timestamp control to manipulate data integrity.

The issue is that the access database is constantly getting corrupted without any explanation at all.

I can repair the MDB and the system will run, but the frequency of the corruption is worrying my people here.

I know that I can upgrade to MSDE as a backend but I am still curious why is the MDB constantly breaking down.

Anyone have any ideas?

Never insult seven men if you're only carrying a six shooter
Old June 4th, 2003, 12:22 PM
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I'm not sure if this is the problem but you might check your locktype on the recordsets. You might want to set them to adLockPessimistic, this may help.
Old June 5th, 2003, 01:56 AM
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the only locktype available to me is BatchLockOptimisitc, because location is at client Side.

Plus the lock up is getting strange, i mean, I am just sending an insert statement, and not an update or delete, it should not require a lock at all.

the other issue that is worrying me is the size of the database, it is growing very fast.

Could the size be a cause of the corruption as well?

Never insult seven men if you're only carrying a six shooter

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