I need to know, how to achive this.
1. one visual basic form that takes the user name and pasword
2. clicking the log-in button, it have to verify for the user from
the sql database
3. on success, i have another control placed on the form "WebBrowser"
which should show the .asp/.aspx/.cgi page from the web portal
(web site is already running,
www.optimisednet.com and database
is related to it)
4. the page is showreport.cgi where it shows the graph drawn of the
device process
5. this .cgi page of graph should be displayed in the "WebBrowser"
This is a vb6.0 standalone application, this is downloaded by customers of the
www.optimisednet.com and see the graph in the application as he verifies himself with the sql database by entering
the user name and password entered in the visual basic controls
With Regards,
Raghavendra Mudugal