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Old September 6th, 2004, 01:29 PM
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Default xsl:fo with Select


I have this line in my xsl which functions:

<fo:block><fo:external-graphic src='pict\thing.bmp'/></fo:block>

However, I'm to make this work inside a for-each element. The source element have the name of the picture as an attribute like this:

<para picture="pict\thing.bmp">

So what I want is immediatly after selecting the para element value, I want to select a picture based on the attribute using 'value-of select="@picture"'.

But I just can't make it work.

Can anyone help me with the syntax for using the 'value-of' in the 'fo:external-graphic' line?

Or any other solution!

(I'm using FOP to generate pdf)

Thanks in advance.
Old September 6th, 2004, 02:46 PM
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I think this works! Gotta have a closer look on it!

<xsl:element name="fo:external-graphic">
<xsl:attribute name="src">url('<xsl:value-of select="@picture"/>')
Old September 7th, 2004, 01:51 AM
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<fo:block><fo:external-graphic src="{@picture}"/></fo:block>
or, based on your second post
<fo:block><fo:external-graphic src="url('{@picture}')"/></fo:block>
In this situation anything within the {} is evaluated as an XPath expression.


Joe (Co-author Beginning XML, 3rd edition)
Old September 7th, 2004, 09:58 AM
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Sorry, but I can't make your examples work in my code - but I'll work on it. It could be other elements in my code that disturbs your solution. The code I found with the element works, so until I have a better grasp of the subject, I'll stick to that!

But thanks anyway, Joe!

I guess must have a better grasp of it now, cause it works! Thanks!
Old July 18th, 2006, 11:38 AM
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Hi All,

I want to include a GIF into a PDF, which is there in Websever location (/nova/global/images).

Following bits of code is implemented on both webpshere 5.0.1 and, images are displaying in webpshere 5.0.1 and but not in webpshere

<fo:block text-align="right" font-weight="bold" padding="10pt">
    <fo:external-graphic src="url('{$domain}/nova/global/images/nissan-logo.gif')" />


 <xsl:attribute name="src">url('<xsl:value-of select="$domain"/><xsl:value-of select="/page/generic/NSC-MODEL-XTND/NSC-MODEL-XTND-EBROCHURE-IMAGE" />')</xsl:attribute>

In the above code, value of domain is comming from XML (value is http://prepodweb1.xxxxx.co.uk) and value for /page/generic/NSC-MODEL-XTND/NSC-MODEL-XTND-EBROCHURE-IMAGE is /Media-Library/vehicles/e-brochure/br-micramc2005.jpg

Is there any issue with Webpshere

It would be extremely helpful for any suggestions.

Thanks & Regards,

quote:Originally posted by Birger

I have this line in my xsl which functions:

<fo:block><fo:external-graphic src='pict\thing.bmp'/></fo:block>

However, I'm to make this work inside a for-each element. The source element have the name of the picture as an attribute like this:

<para picture="pict\thing.bmp">

So what I want is immediatly after selecting the para element value, I want to select a picture based on the attribute using 'value-of select="@picture"'.

But I just can't make it work.

Can anyone help me with the syntax for using the 'value-of' in the 'fo:external-graphic' line?

Or any other solution!

(I'm using FOP to generate pdf)

Thanks in advance.

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