A Best Way To Record Track Of Users Login
Any One relpy me about this topic i a going to record track of users in a site that logins to the site with a username and password.
the approches i have is this that.
1.i must save the user ip address in a Session(or Application) Variable to check if a user is loging is same or other user.
2.save the machine name in session(or Application) variable to check new login or new session.
any one notify me that if i can user such a syntax like this.
if i declare an array of struct that stores Machine Name And Machine IP how i can dynamicaly Maintain This Structure when a user login and deleting when a user logout or session Expires.
ThanX To All YoOrD.
YoOrD .
Beauty is not on the face
Beauty is on the heart
~~<<Ghibran Khalil>>~~