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Old November 19th, 2005, 11:37 AM
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Default Problem in writting arabic characters using asp

I am facing a problem in one client.Their the nls_lang of the database is american_america.we8iso8859p1.When I tried to insert arabic
characters from asp(active server pages) it is getting inserted as "????".In the sql statement the arabic characters are coming properly.
The same sql statement if we copy and execute in sql plus the same command it will work properly .

In my office I have installed oracle 9i database and enabled arabic
in both the client side and serever side in office it is working properly the only difference in office and ohb the database characterset in office is american_america.ar8mswin1256 where as in
client siteit is american_america.we8iso8859p1.In ohb if they change the database character set to ar8mswin1256 it will work properly but they will not change the current characterset we8iso8859p1 to ar8mswin1256

please help me to sort out the issue
how to sort out the issue


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