Data migration.....
Setup and Requirements:
There are two environments - Production and Test
Production Environment:
o Current Production Database runs on Oracle 8.0.4 (Sun
Clustered Server Version 2.6).
o The approximate size of the Oracle 8.0.4 DB is 600 GB ( 300
data files ).
o The target DB for production after the upgrade is Oracle (Clustered Server)
Test Environment:
o To start with, install Oracle 8.0.4 in the test machine (Sun
Clustered Server Version 2.8) with recommended patches.
o Transfer 600 + GB data from production database backup into
this test machine.
o Test Oracle 8.0.4 DB
o Upgrade Oracle 8.0.4 to 8.0.6 in the test machine and install
recommended patches for 8.0.6
o Test Oracle 8.0.6 DB
o Upgrade Oracle 8.0.6 to in the test machine and
install all recommended patches for
o Test Oracle DB
The task to be accomplished: Upgrade and migration will happen only in the test environment and the production environment will not be disturbed. Eventually, the test environment has to be treated as the production environment
For this task, the production data from the Oracle 8.0.4 DB has to be moved to the Oracle DB
I'm exploring on the migration options such as Oracle RMAN feature, Cloning, SQL Loader, Snapshot and through other third party software like Shareplex.
I would like to know the efficient method of migrating such huge data from Oracle 8.0.4 db on one machine to Oracle db on a different machine. (Sun clustered environment). Down time is very critical.
I would also like to know if the backup target location can be on a network disk mount point.
Is there any tool available with Oracle for doing such huge data migration?