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Old October 5th, 2006, 07:59 PM
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Default SQL ASP Nightmare...

I know there is a simple answer to this but I seriously need help.

Basically I have a shopping site which has categories of different items. Fine, I can get the code to display a picture of each category and open up the category from each seperate picture, my problem is the sub categories.

For example, The category for clocks has sub categories for wall clocks and alarm clocks. Although the code opens up the sub categories when you click on the main clock picture, it also opens up ALL sub categories.

How do I get it to stop and only open the too clock subcats?

Here is the code:

Main category page, When you click on a product from the main page, this is the code to make it display categories with no sub catergories... wasn't sure about the If Then statements...

Dim mySQL, myRS, CategoryID
CategoryID = CInt(Request.QueryString("CategoryID"))
mySQL = "SELECT ProductID, Image, Title, Price, Description " &_
"FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products " &_
"ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID " &_
"WHERE Products.CategoryID = " & CategoryID & " " &_
"ORDER BY ProductID"

If CategoryID = "4" Then
End If
If CategoryID = "7" Then
End If
If CategoryID = "12" Then
End If
If CategoryID = "19" Then
End If
If CategoryID = "22" Then
End If

Set myRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
myRS.Open mySQL, myConn

Do While Not myRS.EOF
  Response.Write RecToTable(myRS)
Response.Write "</p>"  

Set myRS = Nothing
Then, so far I have been working on Clocks, so if a user clicks on the clock link they are redirected to clocks.asp which contains this code...

Dim mySQL, myRS
Set myRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
mySQL = "SELECT Category2ID, Pic2, Category2 FROM Categories2 WHERE CatergoryID = "& CategoryID &""
myRS.Open mySQL, myConn

Do While Not myRS.EOF
  Response.Write RecToTable(myRS)
Response.Write "</p>"
Set myRS = Nothing
what am I doing wrong?

Please help. It's driving me nuts!

Old October 5th, 2006, 10:00 PM
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Ok a couple of things.

First, you may want to change those ifs into a select case

  Case "4"
End Select

Also, i am not sure why you would want to redirect when 1) You have an open DB Connection and 2) your loop may or may not execute depending on the if. Always close your database connections before moving to a new page.

Now this is where things can get confusing.

You have categories and sub categories so that, in itself, is a relationship. Now please bare with me.

Lets say Clocks has a category of 4 and Wall Clocks has a sub category of 1 and Alarm Clocks a sub category of 2.

So your Table may look like this:

categoryID subcategoryID categoryLabel
4 0 Clocks
4 1 Wall Clocks
4 2 Alarm Clocks

So now here is what *I* would.

When you redirect do something like this clocks.asp?catID=<%=rs("categoryID")%>

On the clocks.asp page your sql query would be something like this to write links for the sub cat

SELECT categoryID, categoryLabel, subCategoryID from table where categoryID = " & CINT(Request.QueryString("catID") &" AND subCategoryID <> 0

you could then do this:

<a href="alarmclocks.asp?sCatID=<%=rs("subCategoryID" )%>&catID=<%=rs("CategoryID")%>"><%=rs("categoryLa bel")%></a>

Then on the corrosponding pages (I assume you have a table of images) add a category and subcategory column then do this:

SELECT image from table where categoryID = " & CINT(Request.QueryString("catID") &" AND subCategoryID = " & CINT(Request.QueryString("sCatID")

Also, to make management simpler, you may just want to put the acutal pagename in the database so your href could be something like this:

<a href="<%=rs("targetPage")%>?sCatID=<%=rs("subCateg oryID")%>&catID=<%=rs("CategoryID")%>"><%=rs("cate goryLabel")%></a>

Then you can dynamically write everything out!


--Stole this from a moderator

I will only tell you how to do it, not do it for you.
Unless, of course, you want to hire me to do work for you.

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